Tape Archive

Over the years, the Uranian Society hosted some of the best and the brightest astrologers/speakers, from all over the Unites States as well as the UK, Europe and Israel.

     True to our mission statement, these lectures encompass a wide variety of subjects, as you can see on the list below.

      These audio lectures (mp3) are available as downloads, for a nominal price of $8.00


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  1. (BM) Bill Meridian ……………….. “The Uranian Planets in Historical & Economic Cycles”
  2. (BMS) Bill Marshall ………………. “The Reluctant Astrologer – on Transiting Midpoints”
  3. (CB) Claudia Bader ……………….. “Some People Just Know How to Fly”
  4. (DR) Diana Rosenberg ……………. “An Afternoon with the Fixed Stars”
  5. (DL) Diane Cramer & Liane Thomas Wade ……… “Health & Politics in the White House”
  6. (FM1) Faith McInerney ………….. “Get a Job”
  7. (FM2) Faith McInerney ………….. “Arts in Charts”
  8. (GC) Gary Christen ……………….. “The 12 Commandments of Alfred Witte”
  9. (JF) John Frawley ………………….. “Lilly’s Astrology: Reception & Dignity – the Key to Judgment”
  10. (JV) Judi Vitale ………………………. “Uranian Astrology: A Down to Earth Approach”
  11. (KH1) Kathleen Hanna ……………. “Murder & Mayhem Between the Sheets”
  12. (KH2) Kathleen Hanna ……………. “Uranian Look at the Elections-2000”
  13. (KN) Ken Negus ……………………… “Rectification – Ways Through the Labyrinth”
  14. (LTW) Liane Thomas Wade ……… “Clinton, the Congress and Cupido”
  15. (ME1) Meira B. Epstein ………… “Abraham Ibn Ezra – Jewish Astrologer Scholar and Poet”
  16. (ME2) Meira B. Epstein ………… “Kings, Prophets & Visionaries – Exploring Historical Charts”
  17. (ME3) Meira B. Epstein ………… “Valentine’s Day Special – Uranian and Traditional “
  18. (NP1) Nona Gwyn Press & Gloria Schwartz …….. “Mythology & the Uranian Planets”
  19. (NP2) Nona Gwyn Press …………. “Princess Diana – Asteroids & Uranian Planets”
  20. (NP3) Nona Gwyn Press …………. “Interviewed by Liane Thomas Wade upon end of Presidency”
  21. (OB) Olivia Barclay ………………… “Ancient Horary Astrology”
  22. (RN1) Richard Nelson ……………… “The British Monarchy – Personal & Dynastic Power”
  23. (RN2) Richard Nelson ……………… “Chart Advancement Techniques”
  24. (SYM) Shannon-Armistead-Press-Cramer ……… “Symposium on the New Administration (1998)”
  25. (ST) Susan Town …………………… “Fractional Harmonics Progression”
  26. (US1) Uranian Society 25th Anniversary Celebration ………. “Wade, Rasenberg, Catoni, McInerney, Christen”
  27. (US2) Uranian Society Panel ……….. “Pluto in Capricorn – Historic View (Wade, Cramer, Press)”
  28. (WB) Wayne Booher …………….. “The Soft Angles – What they Mean to Uranian Astrology”